
Confessions and Confusions of a Freelance Fullstacker.

Ashok Mannolu Arunachalam, BlogHow toPostgresDocker

How to configure PostgreSQL to accept all incoming connections

Sometimes, you might want to connect to your test or acceptance environment databases. Mostly for we might want to test our local changes with real-time data instead of mock data. Or simply you do not want to set a local database up. ^_^

For these cases and people who are interested in connecting their application to non-development environment database, we are going to look at how to enable postgres to listen to all incoming connections.

Edit the postgresql.conf file:

We have to edit the CONNECTIONS AND AUTHENTICATION section in postgresql.conf file as follows: You will find this file under your volume directory. Since I run postgresql as docker container, it is in /home/ashokma/docker/volumes/postgres/postgresql.conf.

# - Connection Settings -
# comma-separated list of addresses;
# defaults to 'localhost'; use '_' for all
# (change requires restart)
listen_addresses = '_'

Once restarted, we can expect to listen to all ips. Yes, it will listen and you get proper not authenticated exception on trying to connect to database instead of a confusing connection refused >_O

It is okay to listen to all addresses if you are sure you are not expecting a DDoS to it. At least, in this way people know the DB is up but they do not have permissions!

Edit the pg_hba.conf file: (HBA stands for host-based authentication)

In order to configure the enable the authentications for specific or to all users as a temporary, we have to edit the pg_hba.conf file as follows:

# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
host all all all md5

Once restarted, anyone in the network can access the database with valid credentials like

$ psql -h -U ashkeys
Password for user ashkeys:

postgres has very good documentation. To know more about the options in pg_hba.conf, take a look at